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Health Benefits of Having an Aquarium



Aquariums are not just pretty decor objects that brighten up a room. Over the years it has been proven that gazing at aquarium fish reduces stress and subsequently lowers blood pressure.

Reduces Blood Pressure and Stress

Scientists have tried to find cures for stress related problems and discovered that medication is not the only way to treat anxiety, stress and other related affections. Apparently nature is one of the best and most efficient elements that can treat a busy mind. Aquariums are currently ranking pretty high when it comes to choosing the most efficient way to deal with everyday problems. Studies go back as far as 30 years revealed the fact that looking at an aquarium is one of the most reliable ways of lowering blood pressure.

Calming effects

Apparently people staring at the way underwater wildlife behaves are a lot calmer than those who look at an empty tank. Watching fish has been shown to calm children who suffer from hyperactivity disorder. Additionally, dental patients feel much calmer if there is an aquarium around and have even reported feeling less pain during procedures. That is why most medical offices, dental clinics and even waiting room for counselors have traditionally kept an aquarium.

Benefits Alzheimer’s patients

Studies have shown that seniors who have Alzheimer’s disease experience a variety of health benefits from watching an aquarium. Alzheimer patients ate more, and required fewer supplements after an aquarium was placed in the dining room. They also exhibited less physically aggressive behaviors.


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