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Hard Rock Specials



Hard Rock Cebu productions in coordination with Handuraw Pizza Gorordo presents Hard Rock Specials this Saturday October 10, 2015 8:30pm.

With special performance by We’re Falling That Way, Ala Ahkbar and Trezkeya.

Hard Rock productions is composed of Glenmoril, Paltik and Trezkeya and was founded this year. The aim of the group is to gather all Cebuano hard rock bands in one group and organize events and promote original Cebuano hard rock music.

Then because Hard rock is such a general term the original music coming from the group might be in rock & roll, blues, grunge, instrumental rock, grunge rock, rock ballads, or in classic rock form. The lyrics also may be in Bisaya or English.

One of the major plans of the group is to launch the production in a grand way this year. Then have a compilation album next year.

The event is also brought to you by DLV Studios, Cebu Backpackers, Metrocebunews and Glitch Grafiks.

Handuraw Pizza Gorordo is located at 460 Gorordo Ave., Brgy. Kamputhaw, Cebu City.

Entrance is free.

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