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Goody for the Moody



Just when you are about to go on with your day-to-day activities, an undesirable mood suddenly walks into the spotlight and crashes your plans for today. Good thing these homemade happy treats contain the perfect ingredient to battle out today’s unwanted mood!

Confused or Clueless – Coconut Macaroons

So you are currently experiencing writers block, procrastinating or can’t seem to write the first word on that 346 page, 1 million words plus thesis that your college professor has been nagging you about since last week. Don’t worry, we are going to hook you up with some quick fix.

Coconut macaroon cookies

Try the sweet tasting Coconut Macaroons. Made from farm fresh coconut meat that contains medium-chain triglycerides that your body needs to process and use as instant brain fuel. You don’t even have to worry about breaking your diet because the main ingredient which is coconut will not get stored as fat, yep you got that right so it’s not exactly cheating if you just stick with coconut right? Even the coconut’s scent has been proven to reduce stress, anxiety, and lower blood pressure which again brings us back to that thesis that you really need to write sooner rather than later.

So if you want that thesis written, that article submitted or you just want to be up and about like Einstein again please visit and grab a couple of boxes of sweet tasting, brain boosting coconut macaroons.

Worried or Anxious – Tableya Brownies

You are about to take an exam but you still haven’t understood how the formula to that math problem works. Your heart beat starts to raise up and you begin to get worried thinking what if you fail the exam and you won’t be able to get that reward your mom and dad promised you if you pass the test.

tableya brownies

Good thing the Tableya Brownies contains dark chocolate that comprises of many compounds that have been shown to boost your mood and reduce anxiety. It also has been shown to reduce the stress hormone cortisol in your body, thus reducing overall stress levels.

These Tableya Brownies, which has a content of dark chocolate, doesn’t only taste really good but also helps you improve your memory! With these bitter sweet facts, you will surely crave for more!

Down or Depressed – Double Chocolate Chip Thin Cookies

Everybody has a story of depression. Be it caused by a long history of bullying, a stressful career, pressure of a business failure or many other reasons that you could think of. But two things are true for everyone. It’s important to talk with someone you trust about how you’re feeling and it’s necessary to get the kind of help that works for you.

double chocolate chip thin cookies

When you have depression, you have trouble with daily life for days or weeks at a time. But thank God Cocoa is rich in agents that enhance the production of various feel-good chemicals in the brain, notably serotonin and dopamine. This means that cocoa possesses anti-depressant, mood-elevating properties. This is no surprise to the any millions of people who self-medicate with chocolate every day.

By taking in the Double Chocolate Chip Thin Cookies, which has a high content of cocoa, you get to enjoy a much more delicious treat and at the same time, fight depression!

I’m pretty sure many of you will have your mood increased just by knowing that this luscious treat will turn that frown upside down! Get twice the pleasure after every bite of these Double Chocolate Chip Thin Cookies!

Tired or Lazy – Sumilon Honey Chocolate Chunk Cookies

Feeling too tired to sweep, wipe, mop, read, write, study, run, exercise and do all other action words or still got lots of things to make on today’s to-do list but got not enough energy? Worry no more as we have just what you need, the Sumilon Honey Chocolate Chunk Cookies!

sumilon honey chocolate chip

A great natural source of carbohydrates which provide strength and energy to our bodies, honey is known for its effectiveness in instantly boosting the performance, endurance and reduce muscle fatigue of athletes. Its natural sugars play a significant role in preventing fatigue during exercise. The glucose in honey is also absorbed by the body quickly and gives an immediate energy boost, while the fructose is absorbed more slowly providing sustained energy.

So if you really have to complete today’s to-do list, grab a bite of Sumilon Honey Chocolate Chunk Cookies to keep your mind and body going!

Angry or Irritated – Coco Sugar Malunggay Oatmeal Raisins Cookies

Nobody wants to turn into a big green monster. You get angry, generally speaking, if and when you see wrongdoing or injustice. Your mechanic has overcharged you; your husband has lied; the kids are misbehaving, and so on. Then you suddenly think of doing deep breathing, in and of itself.

malunggay oatmeal raisin cookies

Here’s another way, and I assure you this is a better and more pleasant way of changing that unwanted mood! Try out the Coco Sugar Malunggay Oatmeal Raisins Cookies which has that regular, steel-cut oatmeal content that will give your brain more tryptophan which eventually increases happiness, and omega-3 fatty acids, which acts as a very good antidepressant.

Most of the time, we can deal with feelings of anger or irritability quickly. We may resolve the situation or look at the problem from a different perspective or you may just simply take a bite on Coco Sugar Malunggay Oatmeal Raisins Cookies!

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