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Go From Boring To Affordably Beautiful In The Backyard



Interior design trends continue to straddle the outdoors – and nowhere is it more exciting than in this year’s designs for the perfect patio oasis. No matter whether your outdoor space is large or small, there are now more options than ever to replicate the comfort and beauty found inside our homes with the latest products.

Lifestyle expert, Janette Ewen, partnered with The Home Depot to share some of this year’s top trends in outdoor décor:

Layered Patterns

Add dimension and texture to your outdoor space by layering attractive patterns. Outdoor rugs are a great way to incorporate both – they’re now available in more designs and colours than ever before, so you can find something that suits your space while adding comfort and warmth on a cool evening. You can also get creative and DIY by spray-painting patterns with stencils onto an existing rug.

Would you like to play with patterns without making a huge investment? Try using wrapping paper – like bold stripes or chevron – as a table runner.

Rustic English Garden

Go Downton Abbey with soft touches of pastels and Victorian-era design. Think about patios filled with flowers, herbs and oversized wicker furniture with plush cushions.

Nautical Accents

Thick stripes and preppy prints in classic reds and blues can add a hint of seaside splendour to any outdoor space. Many cushions and pillows feature vibrant, fade-resistant colours and are made with high-quality weather-resistant materials so you no longer have to sacrifice style for staying power.

Whimsical Oasis

Incorporate lighting in mason jars or creative floral patterns to turn your terrace into an al fresco space ready for any soirée.

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