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Globe Telecom Pleads With Cebu: Join Us In Creating A Faster Digital Nation



The dreadfully slow internet speed of the Philippines can stand as a topic on its own. Currently, the Philippines ranks as 176th out of 202 countries in terms of internet speed by the end-user. It is also one of the most expensive in the world- it ranks as 161st. The average bill spent globally in each household for internet is only $5.21 per Mbps whereas it is $18.19 per Mbps here in the Philippines.

During Globe Telecom’s press conference on April 19, 2016, it addressed the problems of their goal of building a digital nation. One of the major problems is apparently the securing of permits from the Local Government Units, Home Owners’ Associations and other such organizations. Telecommunication companies (Telco) need to secure at least 25 permits from each local government level and the process would take around 8 months before any Telco could build a single cell site. To make matters worse, permits may vary between different LGUs. There are instances in which one barangay may approve of the building of a cell site; however, there would be complications in the next one.

There are also erroneous rumors of cell sites causing cancer or any radiation-related diseases. Before the Telcos can build a single cell site, they must pass at least 4 permits to DOH for approval. Radiations from cell towers do not cause cancer or any such diseases as much as turning on the TV or using the microwave does. Yes, the cell towers do produce radiation; however, it cannot break down chemical bonds in DNA as much as UV rays, gamma rays and x-rays can.

Globe in its effort to complete the network modernization program initiated in 2011 pleads with the public to help the process easier and consistent. “Only in working together can we make this possible,” said Manny Estrada, Globe Senior Vice President for Network Technologies and Strategy. By 2020, the company’s plan of providing ultra-fast internet access to around 2 million homes can only be made possible through consistent cooperation.

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