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Globe Telecom Joins Lazada’s Big App Sale on May 21-24



Globe Telecom is joining Lazada’s Big App Sale on May 21-24, 2015 as part of its partnership with top online retailer and marketplace player Lazada Philippines.

With Globe Sunday, Globe customers are entitled to a 10% discount on all purchases made via the Lazada Philippines mobile app on Sunday, May 24, giving them significant savings when they shop at Lazada, which offers a diverse collection of affordable products ranging from fashion and accessories, health and beauty, electronic gadgets, home appliances, among others, giving its customers a risk-free, effortless shopping experience.

To avail of the 10 percent discount voucher, just download the Lazada mobile app from App Store or Google Play for free. There is no minimum purchase required.

Globe Sunday is the first exclusive activity to be introduced by Globe and Lazada after the two parties signed a partnership on the use of Globe Telecom’s internationally-acclaimed GCash mobile wallet as a mode of payment at Lazada’s eCommerce website in the coming months.

Through mWallet, Globe customers no longer need to own a credit card or even have a bank account to engage in eCommerce. Instead, they can turn their mobile phone into a virtual wallet to shop at the speed of a text message.

“We are excited about this partnership with Lazada because of its customer traffic and the innovation it has done with online shopping. It is a great opportunity for us to leverage on this collaboration by bringing GCASH at the forefront of eCommerce. By increasing transactions through mWallet, we will once again expand the online ecosystem of Globe and provide our customers with a full digital lifestyle experience,” said Globe President and CEO Ernest Cu.

Lazada Philippines is part of the Lazada Group which has become one of the top B2C eCommerce market places in South East Asia in the span of only three years with presence in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Lazada Group has over 15,000 merchants, and 1.4 million active customers and is currently valued at US$1.2 billion with US$700 million of investment funding. It has an online footprint of approximately 4 million daily visits to its websites and the largest Facebook following in Southeast Asia with over 12 million fans.

Lazada is owned by Rocket Internet, an internet platform that identifies and builds proven internet business models then transfers them to new, underserved or untapped markets where it seeks to scale them into market leading online companies.

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