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Gabii sa Kabilin: Tracing a Distinct History



For 9 years the museums all over Cebu has enthralled us with our heritage and ethnic ancestry through Gabii sa Kabilin. Launched in 2007 with only 3 participating Museums, it has now expanded to over 37. For a fee of 150, participants are given access to all these sites; unlimited bus rides within the locations; and a magazine filled with the museum index, itinerary and bus routes. There are 8 bus routes that go through each museum. There are 6 participating museums in Mandaue City, 6 in Talisay City, 1 in Lapu-Lapu and 24 in Cebu City. This year’s theme focuses on how each site came to be and its distinct history.



​Some of Chinese Literary works in Fo Guang Shan Chu Un Temple.

The opening ceremony started at 6pm at Fo Guang Shan Chu Un Temple with a traditional Chinese prayer. After that there was an exquisite excerpt for Siddhartha, a play based on the life of Buddha. There was a tour inside its temple. A tea ceremony and calligraphy exercise were held at the third floor of the temple. Likewise, all the museums came to life with its individual programs. Some of their events comprised of Taichi exercises, Wisdom Quests, Choirs, Balak, Filipino folkdances, kalesa rides and theatrical plays. With only 7 hours to go through 37 museums, it was a hectic night.


Chinese Tea Ceremony

As individuals go through the streets of Cebu at night, the past and the present metropolis meet for a night. Come and explore Cebu as it progressed through the ages in a night.

gabiisa kabilin collage

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