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Friday Beerness



Bomba Press in coordination with Handuraw Pizza Gorordo and TMS Awoo Collective presents Friday Beerness this June 5, 2015 Friday 9:00 pm at Handuraw Pizza Gorordo.

The event will feature bands Luxxx, Sunday Sunday, The Pervs, Soda Can Genie and Psychomonkey.

Bomba Press is an independent record label operating in Cebu City, dedicated to giving great acts from the local indie scene some well-deserved exposure. More than that, we also operate a publishing arm featuring local literary talents in both Bisaya and English language, and we eagerly work with other arts groups in the city to promote an environment of symbiotic creation..

Bomba Press was founded by Erik Tuban, Cheeno Borden and Dexter Sy.

Eluxxx is an lectronic Pop Group formed 2013 in Cebu City Philippines. Its members include Joey Seno, and Archie Manayon.

Psychomonkey is an ambitious home studio project and social experiment finding ways to produce pop sounds from within the walls of a tiny bedroom and with only “presyong adik” equipment at hand. The initial result “The Apes of Wrath” has been listened to more than 2000 times online on various music sites, and the sophomore effort is now well under way.

Handuraw Pizza Gorordo is located at 460 Gorordo Ave., Brgy. Kamputhaw, Cebu City. Entrance to the event is free.

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