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Freedom Fighter Jose Ribomapil ‘Dodong’ Holganza Sr., Dies at 79



(PNA) — One of the Cebuano freedom fighters who struggled against the dictatorship during the martial regime passed away Sunday at a hospital in Cebu City due to complications after a stroke a week ago.

Jose Ribomapil “Dodong” Holganza Sr. was declared dead at 5:05 a.m. Sunday by his attending physician at the Chong Hua Hospital in Cebu City. He was 79.

His daughter, Rosemarie Holganza-Borromeo, said his remains were taken to the Cosmopolitan Funeral Homes in Barangay Lahug, Cebu City for public viewing.

Internment is set on Thursday, Jan. 29, at the Cebu Memorial Park.

Holganza, a political detainee during martial law, had served various positions in government, notably as Cebu City administrator and city secretary.

Holganza’s active role against the dictatorship of the late president Ferdinand Marcos earned him the recognition from Weslaco City in Texas in the United States.

The City Council of Weslaco passed a resolution in 2010 proclaiming every September 30 of the year as “Ribomapil Holganza Day.”

The resolution acknowledged Holganza’s role in bringing back freedom and democracy to the Filipino people during the dark years of martial law in the Philippines. (PNA) LAP/EB

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