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Francisco “Kiko” Pangilinan On Philippine Agriculture



Francisco Pangilinan, or fondly called as Kiko, along with his wife, megastar Sharon Cuneta, and children came to Cebu for a press conference detailing their campaign’s platforms and stands on agriculture, women’s rights, security, education, finances, poverty, youth disciplinary action and involvement and so much more.

On April 23, Pangilinan discussed about the importance of agriculture in the Philippines and how society must shift its paradigms towards this humble industry. “(We must) shift paradigms. Society has failed the farm and the fisherfolk,” Pangilinan said. He further stated that though these farmers have fed and supported the nation’s well-being for years, they have remained poor. Agriculture is the backbone of every nation, yet the general mentality of this tedious job is that it is low-income profession.

“We, as a nation, have failed to recognize the value of our farmers. We have not respected the farmer and fisherfolk. We have not given them the recognition they have long been denied but long been deserved.”

For more information about Pangilinan’s views and platforms, please visit his website at

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