Finding Hope Amidst Life’s Tragedies
It really hurts to know when your very close friend died, you think of the treasured memories that both of you created. Every single day or minute you can’t help but feel the pain and cry, even though you have accepted that he’s not physically present yet you still don’t have the courage to move on or even the freedom to do your own ways that make you happy.
Some of us may easily forget what happened and can move on with our life but some of us having a hard time to move on and mostly we know others kill themselves or worst, they stay being emotional. We ask friends to help us forget those bad memories or even tell them to cheer us up so that we won’t be too occupied. But have we asked from the Lord to make us happy? Or ask from Him for a peace of mind.
A reminder in Isaiah 40:31 “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”
When we feel so weak and have no one to turn to with our problems, the Lord is just there for us, ready to listen to your prayers. There may be tragedy in our lives that we can’t forget because it’s too painful, but once we ask from the Lord to give us peace of mind, surely we will be able to face another day with a smile. Bear in mind that you’ll be free in any of your problems if you always hope in the Lord.