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Education Leaders Gather to Promote Lifelong Learning



QUEZON CITY, June 13 (PIA) – Education leaders from the country convened for a high level policy forum at the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Center for Educational Innovation and Technology(SEAMEO INNOTECH) in Quezon City on Friday, June 8, 2018 for the promotion of lifelong learning.

The High Level Policy Forum on Lifelong Learning, with the theme: “From Agenda to Action: 1st Philippine Forum on Lifelong Learning,” was organized by the Department of Education (DepEd), University of the Philippines Open University, and the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Secretariat, in partnership with the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning and UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education, Bangkok.

Among the objectives of the high level policy forum is to provide participants with an introduction to the Sustainable Development Goal 4 – Education 2030 Framework for Action and the lifelong learning approach to education. Also, to provide recommendations on how to develop/strengthen lifelong learning policies, plans and strategies. The Philippine Information Agency is among the agencies that participated in said high level policy forum.

In his welcome remarks, DepEd Assistant Secretary Atty. Nepomuceno Malaluan thanked the education leaders for their participation in the said forum and looked forward for their sharing of expertise and best practices.

In her keynote address, DepEd Undersecretary Lorna Dino, representing Education Secretary Leonor Briones, stressed Secretary Briones’ vision of an inclusive education – that every Filipino school-aged child should be in school and be provided with quality education.

Dino said that part of the lifelong learning skills is to teach the children on how to find information and more importantly, teach them to distinguish the right information.

She also acknowledged the importance of partnerships to continue to provide quality education and called on education leaders to continue to learn more to be able to inspire more students.

Dr. Ichiro Miyazawa of UNESCO Bangkok also encouraged forum participants to keep on learning and continue to be responsive education leaders.

Meanwhile, DepEd’s Undersecretary for Planning and Field Operations, Jesus Mateo presented the department’s vision that by 2022, nation-loving and competent lifelong learners will be able to respond to challenges and opportunities through the delivery of quality, accessible, relevant and liberating K to 12 Program by a modern, professional, pro-active, nimble, trusted and nurturing education department.

Mateo also shared DepEd’s programs like the flexible learning options which include the Alternative Learning System (ALS) as well as the continuing professional development programs for educators.

He also called on education leaders to continue to be an inspiration to learners to motivate students to learn. (JEG/PIA-NCR)

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