Easy Tips to Beat Stress
If you hang around long enough, you will find stress. As matter of fact, you don’t really have to look. It eventually finds you. However, not all stress is bad stress. Stress can keep us motivated to work hard and be efficient.
But too much stress is not good. In fact, it is worse than “not good” because it can be detrimental to your own health. It is important to learn how to cope with the stresses we face, because most of us will never be able to fully avoid stress and learn how to deal with it.
The Good Stuff
1. Take a walk. As much as anything else, and something most of us can do, walking helps to get stress worked out physically.
2. Take a nap. This may sound like a cop out, but napping helps us work more effectively. Many people don’t get enough sleep anyway, so napping helps to feel refreshed.
3. Run or workout. If walking is something everyone can do, running or working out is something more of us should do. Most of us do not get enough exercise. If you want to get rid of stress, nothing works as well as replacing stress with endorphines. Hint: If you are over 35, you should consult a doctor before you begin serious exercise routines.
4. Turn off the phone. For at least part of your day, say no to the tyranny of the urgent. Give the phone a rest. It’ll do you much good.
5. Know when to not check email. If you want to ruin a good night’s rest, or an evening out with that special someone, check the email just before you hit the hay, or head out the door. Nothing adds to your stress more than being psychologically transient.
6. Read a book. You probably work very hard. Take time to let your brain rest or at least escape the concerns that cause stress. Get your mind lost in a book. You’ll be better for it.
7. Watch a movie. See number 6 and replace movie for book.
8. Go for a swim. Swimming isn’t just for beating the heat. It’s a great means to exercise. If you have a pool accessible, and if walking or running isn’t your “cup of tea,” try swimming!
9. Bake something. This may sound crazy, but it’s quite a relaxing activity to make homemade brownies. And if you’re careful on those pounds, you don’t even have to eat them. Give them away!
10. Volunteer. There are times when we focus so much on our situation or ourselves that we can’t get perspective, and in dealing with stressful situations, we need perspective. Nothing helps us gain perspective like helping others.