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Eagles’ Nest: Aiming to Please



Enjoy your mornings, hustle-free by living near the school premises. PrimaryHomes, Inc. (PHI), a premier real estate developer in Cebu offers its 7th condominium that help solve every students’, parents’ and the community’s needs.

Conveniently located right beside Sacred Heart School – Ateneo de Cebu (Canduman, Mandaue City), it’s the Perfect Location for students enrolled in the school. No more getting up early in the morning, leaving before rush hour and that also means no more waiting out the traffic in school after dismissals. Time is gold, after all. And as for the parents, that also means you don’t have to endure heavy, early morning traffic and late afternoon, bumper-to-bumper traffic jams. With the kind of ease of access Eagles’ Nest has to offer, a family’s transportation expenses (such as car amortization and gas) are immediately reduced as well.

IMG_8655The development also has Enriching Amenities. It features a themed lounge per floor and area for tutorials and soon a science observation deck. The Tutoring Club Cebu opened their services last August.

The infrastructure was built beside Ateneo de Cebu not just for its accessibility and convenience for students, but also because the condominium itself is School-Endorsed. Eagles’ Nest is fully supported by SHS-ADC as an alternative living arrangement for students, allowing students more time to do homework and time to engage in extracurricular activities within campus. This will aid them become well-rounded individuals.

There is a 24 hour security to make sure your children are safe. The whole condominium is equipped with 100% back up power generator, Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) system, top of the line fire alarm and sprinkler system with fire exits, lobby and reception area, indoor parking, 3 elevators, ISO-certified property management with solid track record. For you and your children’s convenience, there is a commercial area for laundry, convenience shop, and food court.

IMG_8574The Eagles’ Nest showrooms for studio and its newly opened loft units are available for viewing every Monday-Sunday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM.

Everything at Eagles’ Nest was created for you and your children’s everyday convenience.

Contact: For inquiries about the development, please contact (032) 254-7188 or visit their website at


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