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E & J Gallo Winery Invades Cebuano Shores



Gallo Winery, known as the world’s second largest winery in terms of volume and production area, has now invaded Cebuano shores.

The recent Wine Tour held at Grand Convention was to promote the E & J Gallo Winery brand here in Cebu to further expand their Philippine grasp.

Among the collection of wines that were displayed were the Gallo Family Varietals, Barefoot, Canyon Road, Turning Leaf, Starborough Sauvignon Blanc and Red Rock Merlot. With Emperador Distillers Inc as its Filipino partner, they hope to expose the Filipinos to another beverage alternative.

It was founded by Ernest and Julio Gallo in 1933 at Modesto, California. Just in their early 20s, these two brothers -with no idea or experience on how to start a commercial wine-making business, armed only with pamphlets on winemaking from the Modesto public library, and generations of grape-picking ancestors- rented a warehouse to kick start their winemaking business.

To say it had humble beginnings downplayed their struggle. 82 years later, all doubts of making it in the international market were quelled.

E & J Gallo Winery

​Interview with HyunJun Cho, Regional Manager of E & J Gallo Winery.

In the Philippines, it was first introduced in Manila in places such as Marriott Hotel, Resorts World, Bugsy, Feliz, Tapeo, Via Antonello, Industriya, and many more. So far, there are 11 brands of wine sold here in the Philippines with 92 brands being sold internationally. The company hopes to introduce more brands here in the country annually.

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