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DOLE, UP Open Job Placement Office for Students and Alumni



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The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), the University of the Philippines (UP), and the UP Alumni Association (UPAA) officially launched the UP Job Placement Office (UP-JPO) on December 6, 2024. The office aims to connect UP students and alumni to meaningful career opportunities.

The UP-JPO will provide free services, including job placement assistance, human resource development, and labor market information. These efforts are intended to help alumni and students explore better career paths, address job mismatches, and prepare for roles requiring advanced education.

  • The office’s functions are divided into four areas:
  • Job Assistance: Job placement, search assistance, and internships.
  • Moving Forward: Alumni engagement and employment tracking.
  • Career Muna: Career advising, counseling, and development programs.
  • Partners and Linkages: Collaborations with employers and networking events.

This initiative is a collaboration between DOLE, UP, and UPAA. The inauguration was attended by DOLE Secretary Bienvenido E. Laguesma, UP Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Leo Cubillan, and UPAA President Robert Lester F. Aranton.

The project follows a Memorandum of Understanding signed on December 11, 2023, by DOLE, UP, and UPAA representatives.

“Even before the formal launch, the JPO has been conducting career workshops, counseling sessions, and job fairs,” Secretary Laguesma said. He also pledged DOLE’s ongoing support and provision of reliable labor market information.

UPAA President Aranton emphasized the importance of equipping students and alumni with the tools and confidence to succeed in their careers.

Dr. Cubillan noted that the JPO reflects UP’s dedication to guiding students from enrollment to their professional journeys. “This office will shape future leaders and innovators,” he said. (ASC)

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