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DOLE Unveils Program to Boost Businesses and Workers



The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) is rolling out the DOLE Adjustment Measures Program (DOLE-AMP) to boost enterprise and worker competitiveness. Labor Secretary Bienvenido E. Laguesma outlined the program’s guidelines in Department Order No. 241, Series of 2024, issued on February 1.

DOLE-AMP aims to diminish the vulnerability of workers and enterprises to economic disruptions, enhancing their ability to preserve and generate jobs, improve human resources, and contribute to sustainable work opportunities.

The program allows various entities, including employers, businesses, labor organizations, or co-partners, to propose projects encompassing components like capacity-building, business enhancement, adaptation, just transition, product development, innovation, and productivity improvement.

Proponents need to submit signed applications to the relevant DOLE Regional Office, with a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) executed upon approval. For multi-regional projects, the application goes to the DOLE Regional Office overseeing the main part of the project and the DOLE Central Office. Co-signed MOAs involve all concerned DOLE Regional Directors and project representatives.

Projects with multiple phases require progress and liquidation reports, along with a certification of scheduled implementation, before subsequent funding tranches are released. DOLE Regional Offices oversee project implementation adherence.

The guidelines become effective 15 days after publication in a widely circulated newspaper. This initiative marks a crucial step in supporting enterprise growth and worker resilience, solidifying DOLE’s commitment to fostering a competitive and sustainable working environment. (ASC)

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