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DOH Bats for Alternative Noisemakers



IloiloCity (PIA) — The Department of Health (DOH) is encouraging the public to use alternative ways in celebrating Christmas and welcoming New Year and avoiding the use of firecrackers.

DOH teams up with the Department of the Interior & Local Government (DILG), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Department of Education (DepEd), Philippine National Police (PNP), Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) and Eco Waste Coalition as it officially launches the 2015 anti-firecracker campaign which carries the theme, “Sa Ingay Walang Sablay, sa Paputok Goodbye Kamay”.

“For this year, instead of firecrackers, the public is encouraged to use safe merry-making instruments and alternative noise-makers such as ‘torotot’, car horns, or by playing loud music,” said Health Secretary Janette P. Loreto-Garin.

She said that the local government units (LGUs) are urged to foster community firework display.

In 2014, the DOH final report on the Fireworks-Related Injury Surveillance recorded zero death and 860 cases nationwide which is 16 percent lower compared to 2013 (1,018 injuries). Of the 860 reported injuries, 840 were due to fireworks, 13 from stray bullet, while 7 were cases of firecracker ingestion.

Most injuries were caused by piccolo (32%), followed by kwitis (15%), unknown firecrackers (11%), luces (7%) and fountain (5%).

Most fireworks-related injuries came from the National Capital Region (57%), followed by Ilocos Region (8%), Western Visayas (7%), and CALABARZON (6%).

The health chief emphasizes the earnest cooperation of the LGUs and the public to achieve zero casualty as we welcome 2016.

The DOH reminds all Filipinos, both young and old, to have fun yet be vigilant at the same time.

In case of an injury due to firecrackers, Garin reminded that the wounds must be immediately washed with clean running water until all visible dirt and gunpowder residue is removed.

The patient must immediately be rushed to the nearest health facility for proper medical attention. The DOH ensures that all DOH Hospitals are prepared to attend to injuries related to fireworks. (JCM/LTP/PIA-Iloilo)

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