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Designubec 2015



Ubec Creative in coordination with The Headquarterz and Bomba Press presents this year’s Designubec 2015. This year’s event will be this 6:00pm May 23, 2015 at The Headquarterz, E-Zone, F. Cabahug St., Mabolo Cebu City.

Featured in the exhibit will be Cebu’s top graphic artists in Cebu. The prestigious list includes Charlo Nocete, Janot Autagab, Lython Quinones, Alwin Alves, Erick Mark Obispo, Mitch Dosdos, Edzel Rubite, Geraldine Sy, Mikki Sanchez, Veronika Hipolito, Monica Alcudia, Alex Lorenzana, Jan Sunday, Lou Patrick Mackay, Rainvelle Gemperoa, Nikko Cabatas, and Janmil Saromines.

The event will also have guest artists from Bacolod, Daryl Feil and Robert Dingcong.

Bands and musicians will also come out to support the event. My Dragon Eats Cat Food and Silingan ni Felicity will be performing with Glitchcity, Kids Acting Cool, Black and White and AVRSK.

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