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DENR Rallies Support for Earth Hour, Global Fight Vs. Climate Change



(PIA) — The Department of Environment and Natural Resources is urging Filipinos to once again demonstrate their eagerness to fight climate change by participating in this year’s Earth Hour, taking place on March 28 at 8:30 pm.

Earth Hour is a worldwide annual event where participants shut off all lights and unused appliances and electronics in the attempt to show their support of international efforts to address climate change and its impacts.

“The significance of Earth Hour is rooted in the larger context of climate change. When we douse our lights and conserve energy produced from carbon fuels, we help mitigate climate change,” Secretary Ramon J. P. Paje said in a statement.

He added: “By adopting habits and lifestyles that lessen the burning of fossil fuels, we adapt to climate change. This is the essence of Earth Hour, the global switch-off, when we embrace the dark for at least an hour, so our future may become sustainably brighter.”

Since joining the world’s largest climate movement in 2009, Paje said the Philippines not only consistently has the biggest Earth Hour participation, but also one of the countries in the world that go beyond the hour and take bold action against the global phenomenon.

Paje said no wonder Filipinos are the most active Earth Hour participants since the Philippines has been dubbed as one of the countries most vulnerable to climate change, with impacts ranging from extreme weather events and periodic inundation to droughts and food scarcity.

The environment chief said the country has been at the forefront of climate issues and its efforts to tame climate change impacts have been recognized by no less than the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the leading global environmental authority.

“We have been going far beyond Earth Hour for several years now, with our initiatives in climate change mitigation and adaptation,” Paje said, referring to the Aquino administration’s vigorous implementation of the twin policy on total logging ban on natural forests and the National Greening Program, which seeks to create 1.5 million hectares of new forests from 2011 to 2016.

He also cited the programs on geohazards assessment and mapping and on clean air spearheaded by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).

“Our achievements in these programs and on other fronts have been recognized. Just last month, UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner lauded our country’s leadership within the Climate Change Convention,” Paje said.

Paje acknowledged the valuable contributions of DENR partners, including the UNEP, which is funding seven major environmental projects being implemented by the department.

However, Paje said more needs to be done to win the fight against climate change and that requires sustained collective efforts of nations and the entire human race. (DENR)

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