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Davide Orders Capitol Workers to Submit to Drug Test



Cebu Gov. Hilario Davide III has directed Capitol employees to willingly submit themselves before the Cebu Provincial Anti-Drug Abuse Commission (CPADAC).

“I hope di naa moabot sa punto nga ako na mismo ang momando nga mo-appear sila aron testingan. I just hope nga kining ma empleyadoha nga wa mo-appear mo-submit willingly sa CPADAC otherwise mapugos ko nga mo-issue og order nga sila paadtuon gyod,” Davide said.

Davide’s statement came after two employees allegedly skirted the announced test last Monday.

“In my earlier pronouncement, we don’t want drug users here in the provincial government. Kining duha if (found) positive, then they will have to leave,” Davide added.

Joey Herrera, executive director of CPADAC, reported that the two casual employees were present during a flag ceremony at the Capitol grounds on Monday. He, however, said he cannot yet divulge the names of the two, pending an investigation. He added that a memorandum for the testing was sent to different offices after the flag raising rites.

“Akong gikuha ang attendance sheet during the flag, and the two were present during the flag. I know they that they received the memo and yet they did not come,” he said.

At least 117 Capitol employees were subjected to a drug screening on Monday but only 107 appeared, excluding those two employees.

Herrera said those who were absent will have to explain before the Capitol’s Committee on Discipline and Investigation chaired by Provincial Administrator Mark Tolentino.

“Katong duha, I don’t know unsa ilang irason. But I will refer ni sa Governor then adto ni Mark Tolentino,” he told reporters, adding that the two are being detailed at the Legislative Building, Capitol Compound.

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