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Contempo Tops Off Bamboo Bay Tower 2



Bamboo Bay Community, the flagship project of Contempo Property Holdings, Inc. (CPHI) topped off Bamboo Bay Community Tower 2 ahead of schedule last June 24, 2015.

“We are getting closer to the fulfilment of our vision to create communities of good neighbors as we continue to keep in mind our customers and work relentlessly with our customer-driven team of empowered professionals, contractors and suppliers who are equally passionate about customer satisfaction,” said Beverly Dayanan, President and CEO of CPHI.

releasing of doves (1)

Bamboo bay team and honored guests prepare to release doves to mark peace and joy for Bamboo Bay Community and its homeowners. 

A well-built and well-designed home, Bamboo Bay nurtures a safe and sustainable environment with community features such as a 24/7 security and surveillance system, cistern for MCWD, Material Recovery Facility, and amenities such as the children’s playground, swimming pool and community store, and special complementary services that include car washing, handyman, housekeeping, delivery, transport, and bills payment services.

Tower 2 has a total of 231 units and will include facilities such as a coffee shop and salon among others.

For more information, one may visit and like their facebook page at

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