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CoMSCA Aims 1M Savers By 2020



World Vision holds 2nd National Community Managed Saving and Credit Association (CoMSCA) Summit on July 14 & 15 at the Department of Education Ecotech Center, Lahug, Cebu City.

The event was attended by over 300 people all over the country.

CoMSCA is a World Vision economic development project that aims to help children and families in the marginalized parts of society save money for their daily use, and for their future.

The event was graced by multiple resource speakers, some coming from World Vision itself, who educated the participants how to save better and how to better manage their savings.

The key speaker of the event was former politician and current World Vision Development Foundation (WVDF) Board of Trustees Chairperson Atty. Liwayway Vinzons-Chato. Atty. Chato talked about how their is nothing wrong in wanting wealth, especially as it is used for the betterment of yourself and your family. But perhaps the greatest message Atty. Chato left the participants is that without wealth, it is harder to help others and fulfil their responsibilities as Christians.

Also included in her speech is she hopes current CoMSCA communities will continue to invite people in their cause and hopefully they reach 1 million savers by the year 2020.

Other speakers to come to the event was WVDF Philippines National Director Josaias dela Cruz, Visayas Field Office Associate Director Ernestor Macabenta, WVDF Operations Director Rommel Fuente, and Congressman Alfred Vargas.


CoMSCA hopes that other citizens can see the benefit of community saving and that other people may be encouraged to join the group.

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