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Collaborative Efforts Drive Regional Progress at Key Stakeholder Meetings in Cebu



The Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) hosted two (2) pivotal meetings that are set to drive the future of Cebu’s energy and academic-industry sectors.

Attended with over 30 key figures among industry players, stakeholders and policymakers, an update meeting on power highlighted collaborative efforts to address reliable, competitive and quality power for Cebu.

With a focus on sustainability and innovative solutions from power generation, transmission to distribution, a consensus was built to hold an in-depth discussion on the quality of power in Cebu as well as conduct information and education programs i.e. technical seminars as interventions to deepen and widen understanding on energy efficiency and management especially for manufacturers as well as consumers with big power requirements.

The Power Alliance is part of the broader Utilities Alliance, which also encompasses water and telecommunications.

Moreover, the 1st Stakeholders’ Meeting of the Academe-Industry Alliance brought together over 40 representatives from Cebu’s top universities, colleges, technical, and vocational institutions, alongside industry partners. The aim was to bridge the gap between academia and the business world by aligning educational programs with industry needs. The event spotlighted pathways for research, internships, and workforce development, emphasizing the vital role of education in producing a skilled, future-ready workforce capable of meeting the demands of an ever-evolving job market.

According to CCCI President Jay Yuvallos, “The purpose of these meetings is to develop a shared vision that aligns all sectors for mutual success. We must take a deep, introspective look at our industries and identify structural changes that will allow us to harness the power needed to create 40,000 jobs per year. This alliance is essential for that vision.”

Yuvallos further emphasized that CCCI is in the process of launching additional alliances focused on stewardship, sustainability, trade, and logistics—key components of the LEAD 2.0 x A-MUST agenda. The Cebu MICE Alliance, launched earlier this year, marked the first of these initiatives.

“These sectors are crucial to our progress,” Yuvallos concluded. “To move forward and stay on track, we must invest in these areas for a future-ready Cebu.

For more information about the Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry, please contact the Chamber at 232-1421 to 24 or visit

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