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ChatGPT Now Available on MacOS, Features Simple Access Via Keyboard Shortcut



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OpenAI’s popular AI chatbot, ChatGPT, is now available for free download on all macOS devices. This comes after a limited rollout period where only Plus subscribers had access to the app.

The announcement comes just after Apple and OpenAI unveiled their extensive partnership at WWDC 2024 where the collaboration between the two tech giants promised to bring the power of ChatGPT to Apple devices, including iPhones, iPads, and Macs.

“The ChatGPT desktop app for macOS is now available for all users. Get faster access to ChatGPT to chat about email, screenshots, and anything on your screen with the Option + Space shortcut,” the announcement via X, formerly Twitter, said.

The macOS app offers a simple way to interact with ChatGPT, enabling the machine learning chatbot via a simple keyboard shortcut (Option + Space) to bring up the chat interface, similar to how users access Spotlight Search (Command + Space).

This easy access positions ChatGPT as a readily available source of information and engagement, going beyond traditional web searches.

While the announcement of the macOS app was overshadowed by the unveiling of GPT-4o, OpenAI’s next-generation AI model, it remains a significant development for Mac users.

GPT-4o boasts advanced intelligence, capable of handling text, speech, and video.

Meanwhile, the free ChatGPT app offers a variety of features beyond basic chat interaction, as users can take screenshots and discuss with the chatbot directly within the app, upload files and photos, and even have spoken conversations with the AI.

Additionally, the app allows users to search through their past interactions with ChatGPT. (GFB)





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