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Cebu to Hold 4th SEACCN Forum



Recently, a press conference for Cebu Business Month for the South East Asian Creative Cities Network (SEACCN) forum this upcoming June 25 was held at Abaseria Café and Deli. The theme will be Authenti-Cities: Identity and Unity in Diversity with topics dealing with creativity, integration and entrepreneurship.

The members of SEACCN are the Creative Councils from the so-called “second cities” of each country namely: George Town (Penang, Malaysia), Bandung (Indonesia), Chiang Mai (Thailand) and Cebu (Philippines).The network primarily focuses on South East Asia–particularly the second cities- however; it remains open to collaboration with other Asian and European organizations. The creative forum was received successfully by the three countries and it is now Cebu’s turn to hold it’s fourth.

IMG_0735The speakers for this forum will be Martin Venzky-Stalling of Creative Chiang Mai, Thailand; Dr. Kasemsak Uthaichana of Creative Chiang Mai, Thailand; Dr. Neil Khor of Think City Penang, Malaysia; Debbie V. Palao of Creative Cebu Council, Philippines; and Dwinita (Tita) LArasati of Bandung Creative City Forum, Indonesia. Yet to confirm are 2 officials each from World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Geneva, British Council- East Asia Arts & Creative Industries and an expert from Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF).

Due to Cebu’s growing creative industry, Department of Trade and Industry Provincial Director Nelia V. Flores-Navarro along with the Cebu Creative Council officials all said it is necessary for the creative groups within Cebu, no matter how big or small, to be connected in some way. With a registration fee of P1000 per head, students and creative entrepreneurs are invited to take part in this grand convergence of creative minds.

The Forum is supported by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Creative Cebu Council (CCC), Cebu Business Month (CBM), South East Asian Creative Cities Network (SEACCN), and Asia- Europe Foundation (ASEF).


Dir. Nelia Navarro share her thoughts about how creative Cebuanos are.

For further inquiries please go to their website at or follow them at Southeast Asian Creative Cities Network Cebu on facebook; Authenti-Cities Cebu on twitter; and Authenti-Cities on Instagram.

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