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Cebu City Bans Fireworks



Graphic by Gabriel Bumanglag, Metro Cebu News | Photo by Jaelynn Castillo on Unsplash

Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama mandated the arrest of individuals caught using fireworks especially during New Year’s celebration.

The mandate was made effective Monday, December 27, 2021 during the flag raising ceremony of the Cebu City Government.

Rama added that the use of firecrackers poses a great risk as a fire hazard, prompting the mayor to mandate the police force to implement the order to ban fireworks.

Typhoon Odette hit Cebu City on December 16 which has rendered the city along with Cebu Province without electricity and water, which has made it hard to put out fires that has added to the damages in Cebu City since the typhoon hit. (GFB)

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