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Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry Passes The Baton to New Members



Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry members and officers witnessed the passing of the presidential baton from immediate President Ma. Teresa B. Chan to this term’s 2016-2017 President Melanie C. Ng, the executive vice-president of Ng Khai Development Corp. Along with the traditional passing of the baton was the ceremonial oath-taking of the newly-elected 2016-2017 CCCI Board of Trustees and Officers last March 27, 2016 at Marco Polo Plaza Cebu.

Past President Ma. Teresa B. Chan praised the new board of trustees and officers for their commitment, “Work in the chamber is a passion and a commitment; otherwise, one can be swallowed up whole in the whirlwind of activities demanded of an organization like CCCI, being the voice of the business community and the engine of Cebu’s business growth.”

She added that the future of CCCI is in ‘great hands’ under the leadership of Melanie Ng but warned them that the task at hand is not as easy as it looks. However, she encouraged them to continue to “uphold the mission, vision and objectives of the CCCI in bringing our businesses to the next level.”

For this term’s goals, Melanie C. Ng will be highlighting synergistic collaboration between the stakeholders, government agencies and partner organizations. This collaborative effort will hopefully help Cebu businesses grow and the MSMEs will remain as part of their top priorities as they launch programs that will help MSME entrepreneurs with their business goals for this year.

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