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Cebu Business Month Continues to Promote a “Digital Cebu”



CBM holds Cebu’s biggest and first-ever Social Entrepreneurship Conference and its second annual Entrepreneurship Technology and Innovation Expo

In a continued effort to establish a “Digital Cebu”, the Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry, through the organizing team behind Cebu Business Month (CBM), is bringing together entrepreneurs, corporations, the academe, non-profit organizations, and public sector leaders in Cebu’s biggest and first-ever Social Entrepreneurship Conference on June 23 and 24, 2016, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM at Cebu City Marriott Hotel.  To complement this endeavor, there will also be an Entrepreneurship Technology and Innovation Expo at Robinsons Galleria on June 22 to 24, 2016, which will run during mall hours.  The expo, which is now on its second consecutive year, is geared towards setting the spotlight on digital technology companies, inventors and innovators.

Social Entrepreneurship Conference

Spearheaded by CBM Entrepreneurship Chairman Michael Basubas, this conference aims to inspire entrepreneurs to embrace innovative and socially-relevant approaches to business processes and solutions through: 1) encouraging knowledge-sharing and collaboration among its attendees in developing creative, non-traditional solutions to social challenges; 2) instilling a more global and sustainable business perspective among local entrepreneurs; and 3) increasing awareness and interest in social value creation among businesses in Cebu.

The main highlight of this two-day event is a set of dynamic presentations and discussions on Social Entrepreneurship and its related concepts, including: Entrepreneurial Revolution: Comparison between For-Profit Entrepreneur and Social Entrepreneur; Stages of Social Entrepreneurship: Approach to Social Value Creation; Inclusive Entrepreneurship; Social Entrepreneurship: Solution to Women’s Economic Empowerment; Combining Innovation, Resourcefulness and Opportunity into Profitable Undertakings; People, Profit and the Environment: Social Enterprises Lead the Way / Environment in the Next Decade; Building Momentum to Achieve Inclusive Growth and Development while Sustaining the Culture; Scaling Up and Sustaining Initiatives for Social Transformations; and Embracing Digital Age + Social Good.

To ensure an exciting and diverse stream of topics, the conference will feature a distinguished line-up of keynote and resource speakers from government, as well as top executives from the private sector.  Attendees may also expect a very interactive and insightful forum, with some of the country’s most successful social entrepreneurs in attendance, as panelists.

In addition to this, CBM offers yet another highly-anticipated event element for the business community: an exclusive “CEOs Networking Night” on June 23rd, from 6:30 PM onwards, co-presented by PLDT ALPHA and PLDT SMART SME NATION.

Entrepreneurship Technology and Innovation Expo

Recognizing the need to incorporate digital technology into business processes and practices, CBM is putting together its second annual Entrepreneurship Technology and Innovation Expo, in order to promote the culture of innovation and creativity as essential tools in the growth and progress of any business, thereby, creating a solution to address social challenges and improve quality of life.

The expo will showcase booth displays from 40 companies with latest innovative technology/products, approaches and business models from the Central Visayas Region, in order to inspire competitiveness and to provide helpful knowledge that will contribute in the development of smart, sustainable and social cities.

The CBM 2016 team, along with CCCI and its event partners, is looking forward to giving Cebu’s business sector even more avenues to expand its awareness on digital possibilities and applications through these activities!

For more information on these events, visit or its Facebook page at To get a guide to the event and receive news updates, you can also install the CBM 2016 app on Android and iOS.

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