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CCCI to Hold Intellectual Property Awareness Seminar on Oct. 9



With Cebu as the growing melting pot of business amidst the present economic integration, the role of technology in social and economic welfare has been viewed as crucial in the protection of intellectual property rights, crucial to sustaining the economic gains of Cebu and the Visayas region.

As the engine of Cebu’s business growth towards global competitiveness, the Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) will hold an awareness seminar entitled “Know your rights: Intellectual Property 101 – What every business should know about Intellectual Property” on October 9, 2015 from 1:00-5:00pm at the Golden Peak Hotel, Escario Street, Cebu City. Experts from the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPO-PHIL) will grace the event.

CCCI is the Innovation and Technology Support Office Franchise Grantee of the IPOPHIL since 2012. It will provide assistance to any organizations seeking protection for their creation and innovation (the new drivers of world economy) in partnership with the University of San Jose-Recoletos (USJR).

The seminar will be an excellent opportunity for the participants to learn that IPs generated is vital in the dissemination and commercialization of knowledge and technology.

Come and join. Registration fee is Php 500.00 inclusive of snacks and certificate.

For more information, one may contact CCCI at 232-1421 to 24 local 109 and look for Mariel Destacamento.

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