The Land Transportation Office in Central Visayas (LTO)-7 launched their new online talk show through the “Kapihan sa LTO” on July 24. The show dubbed as...
Phoenix Petroleum’s engagement campaign for PUV drivers received recognition from the Philippine Association of National Advertisers (PANA) during the awarding ceremony of the PANAta Awards 2019...
Juanito I. King Foundation, Inc. (JIKFI) with the assistance of the LGU of Barangay Gun-ob, Lapu-Lapu City and DSWD Lapu-Lapu sent aid to the Purok Ube,...
The Cebu City Public Library (CCPL) now operates 24/7 once again. Effective July 23, CCPL posted the announcement on their Facebook page. The CCPL recently postponed...
The Department of Health in Central Visayas (DOH)-7 conducted a close monitoring in the whole province of Cebu and Region 7 against dengue. The national office...
The Region 2 Trauma and Medical Center (R2TMC) here was recently upgraded into a level 3 hospital, the highest classification of general hospitals in terms of...
The labor department has sustained a stable industrial climate by resolving cases involving P956,983,178.04 in collective bargaining benefits and other monetary claims covering 6,095 workers from...
The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) welcomes 100 new K9 handlers and their partner drug-sniffing dogs as the newest members of its K9 interdiction unit. PDEA...
The Department of Health (DOH), University of the Philippines, the International Finance Corporation (IFC), Singapore Cooperation Enterprise (SCE) and Temasek Foundation (TF) are collaborating, for the...
The super heroes of science, the country’s esteemed scientists, are honored anew with the launching of the Salinlahi Science Center that features futuristic exhibits on the...
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