Our country has the distinction of celebrating the world’s longest Christmas season. Once the ‘ber’ months kick in, something magical unfolds right in front of our...
Moto surges its way into Cebu shores, in a comeback that offers incredible gadget choices, industry-first features, and customized user experiences. Moto is introducing not one...
Internet connectivity has become a necessity for many Filipino homes. A reliable access gives every member of the family many possibilities to shape their digital lifestyle....
The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) in Region 12 has completed the installation of 14 more hydro-meteorological hydromet devices in various disaster risk areas in...
German car producer BMW plans to test driverless cars in the German city of Munich next year, a company manager announced on Monday. According to the...
Phab 2 Pro, the world’s first Tango technology-enabled phablet from Lenovo will be available in the market starting mid-December. This device provides users an elevated augmented...
Human brain takes less than a second to tell between reality and fantasy, a new study indicated. The study, by researchers at the University of California,...
The latest advancements in nuclear science and technology will be featured as the Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (DOST-PNRI) will celebrate...
Globe Chief Information & Technology Officer Gil Genio emphasized at the recent DICT Summit, hosted by the Department of Information & Communications Technology, the need for...
NASA’s Cassini spacecraft on Wednesday began what the U.S. space agency called a “ring-grazing” mission to study Saturn’s rings and moons. Cassini is using a gravitational...
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