Action reaches new heights in this mission-oriented third and final segment of The Maze Runner Series, “Maze Runner: The Death Cure.” The Wes Ball-directed adaptation of...
Look to this day! For it is life, the very life of life. In its brief course lie all the verities and realities of your existence....
Globe Telecom is taking the lead in setting standards for APIs with Project OAsIS having received the award for Outstanding Catalyst for Innovation in the recently...
Shaping to be this year’s major award frontrunners, 20th Century Fox’s / Fox Searchlight’s highly-acclaimed films “The Shape of Water” and “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri”...
In an effort to offer an alternative tour site to mall and resorts goers, the local government unit of Calape and the Bureau of Fisheries and...
(BPT) – A hundred years ago, few thought that the clunky automobile that broke down so often would ever replace a horse. In the 1970s, people...
Nobody wants to hear you complain; Nobody’s interested in your aches and pains; But if you are willing to stand still and listen With a look...
I have an enlarged heart, but it isn’t what you think. According to Dr. Joseph Toscano in, cardiac enlargement is abnormal and accompanied by additional...
Mountain bike enthusiasts, poised to test their endurance and skill on a cross country off-road trail, can now prepare for the 2nd Alicia Mountain Bike Festival’s...
Nothing drains the soul like a long commute. In the summer, you have to watch a beautiful day roll past you from your seat, while in...
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