Comedy Cebu, the first and only Filipino and international point-of-view stand-up comedy group in Cebu founded by Gary Jackson and Iris Montesclaros, is delivering on their...
After a very successful year, filled with international design awards for the launch of their new sleeping mat range, outdoor accessories brand, Sea to Summit is...
Maximelodies and Diamonds production in partnership with Ayala Center Cebu presents We Love Our Titser with Max Surban and Missing Filemon. The collaboration that spans two...
22 Tango Records in coordination with Ayala Center Cebu presents Songs of Summer. The event is a weekly folk music fest that happens every Wednesday, from...
(BPT) – Maintaining a healthy diet that includes all the recommended vitamins and nutrients can be a challenge, particularly when the current food landscape is full...
Aliens are in town! Plantation Bay Resort and Spa brings back its annual Summer Frolix Promo with the theme “Outer Space.” Local residents and balikbayans staying...
For most of us, warm weather means more time outside soaking up the sun. While sun exposure has its benefits (such as an increase in Vitamin...
When: April 18, 2015 Time: 3:00PM Where: Gaisano Country Mall Food Center How to register: 1. Purchase minimum P300 worth of products/goods from any department in...
Staying healthy has many benefits — from an overall better quality of life to a longer life. But did you know it can also save you...
Summer fun has begun at its time for an open house! IAFT Cebu is once again opening its doors to aspiring filmmakers, actors, and 3D animators....
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