“Regression,” which means an act of going back stars Ethan Hawke and Emma Watson at the backdrop of Minnesota, 1990. The film follows detective Bruce Kenner...
In literary concourses like the Palanca Awards, the good news is that there is no standard norm for doing quality literary work, and that neither age,...
The holiday season should be filled with joy, but often the pressures of finding just the right personalized gifts can stress us out, especially when on...
“Creating the right climate for succession in family businesses is the most important thing a family should do,” said Dr. Dennis Jaffe who is set to...
The Nomads, Tinta- U.P. and Bathalad presents Binilanggo – Ang Takna Sa Pag – Amgo this September 25, 2015 Friday at 7:00pm at Handuraw Events Café....
And then there was one. From the four office workers chosen to participate in AirAsia Travel Photographer 2015, including a car salesman and a barista, the...
As part of its mission to strengthen the capabilities of MSMEs, the Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry will hold a seminar entitled “Accounting and Financial...
The UP Pride Week is an annual event that celebrates everyone’s diversity, regardless of gender. The theme for UP Pride Week Cebu 2015 is “Celebrate (Y)our...
(BPT) – Salt, or sodium chloride, is essential for life. In fact, no mineral is more essential to human survival than sodium because it allows nerves...
TEDx University of San Carlos proudly presents another TEDx event, but with a twist: TEDx Adventure! Two speakers from one of the previous TEDx events in...
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