The critically hailed blockbuster “X-Men: Days of Future Past” was a tough act to follow. Following his acclaimed work, director Bryan Singer takes the franchise to...
Bruce Willis plays merciless crime boss in the gritty action heist movie “Precious Cargo” also starring Claire Forlani and Mark-Paul Gosselaar. In “Precious Cargo” Eddie (Willis)...
All anyone wants in the summertime is the freedom to have some fun in the sun. So to make sure that happens, Banana Boat has got...
A 30-minute run to kick start the day. Biking to and from work. Yoga classes thrice a week after work. A trek to the mountains on...
iflix is Southeast Asia’s leadingInternet TV service, offering subscribers unlimited access to tens of thousands of hours of TV shows and movies for a low monthly...
Ask any enthusiast: The earliest teachings of yoga give us a trusted workout to this day. Yoga philosophy is rooted in a dedication to our physical...
Disney’s “The Jungle Book” remained the most popular movie in North America for a third straight weekend. “The Jungle Book” was expected to sell USD42.2 million...
In line with its vision of ushering the Philippines to become a digital nation by 2020, Globe Telecom collaborated with the city government of Manila in...
Road trips are synonymous with summer. There’s nothing more exhilarating than hitting the open road and forgetting about the daily stressors of everyday life. That is,...
The BPO has been explosively expanding in Cebu. Businesses for internet companies, health insurances and finances are a current trend in the market. Foreign investments are...
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