Life is full of curveballs, and balancing ambition and grounding is difficult. We can navigate this path better by adopting a few big ideas. The first...
In a society that is too fixated on wealth, power, fame, and the unrelenting quest for more, it is easy to forget the actual pleasures around...
When unexpected trials come into our lives, it is easy to wonder where God is in the midst of the mess. I have sat and prayed...
How are you dealing with your anxiety? Are you depending on someone or something to get you through? Do you ignore your anxious thoughts and hope...
The Bible often mentions worrying. Probably because we invest so much time doing it. A 2022 American Psychiatric Association study showed overall anxiety levels increasing steadily...
Real Battle. Real Rescue! Dear friend, the battle you are facing is real. The wrestlings of your heart, the fear that paralyzes you, the lies that...
Miracle Rain. Life is hard for the villagers who live on hilly terrain in the Yunnan Province of China. Their main source of food is corn...
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