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Can You Sing Like Regine?



Be part of the PLDT HOME Regine Series Nationwide Tour Cebu Leg

If you can sing like Asia’s Songbird, join the Sing Like Regine Contest and get the chance to meet the great singer and shine center stage. Submit your voice-video demo, personal information and contact details to

OPM icon and PLDT HOME ambassador Regine Velasquez is coming to Cebu to perform live via the widely popular Regine Concert Series.

Powered by PLDT HOME, the musical extravaganza is a show of gratitude from the country’s number one digital and multimedia services provider for the massive support throughout the years and  is finally on its way to the Queen City of the South for its much-awaited VisMin debut.  Fans will be in for a free world-class musical treat on July 30 as the Asia’s Songbird performs well-loved hits at the SM Northwing Atrium, SM City-Cebu, July 30, Saturday, 3:00 PM.

For more information on the Regine Telset Series, visit

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