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Brother Launches New Product: Refill Tank System



A lot of people, especially students and workers, tend to complain about slow printers, especially when they are in the middle of doing a lot of hectic work. In this kind of situation, fast printers are the solution. Luckily, Brother solved that problem with their new product – Refill Tank System.

Brother is a company in developing and manufacturing of technologies in the printing, communication and digital imaging industries from homes and offices where they manufacture and sell eject printers, color lasers, scanners, label printers and many more.

Refill Tank System is a printer the following features: 6000 page-yield for black ink, 5,000 page-yield for colored ink, refillable ink with its very own refillable bottle, high print volume user, printing of 11 images in one minute, printing of 27 pages per minute, and one year warranty, plus one year extended warranty when the printer reached 30,000 pages. The product has 4 models, namely the DCP-T300, the DCP-T500W, the DCP-T700W and the MFC T800W.

Mr. Glenn Hocson

Mr. Glenn Hocson, the President of Brother giving his opening remarks. (Photo by Ian Quiao)

Refill Tank System just launched in Cebu last May 29, 2015 in Raddison Blu Hotel at 7:00PM. Prior to that, the product launched in Manila last May 16, 2015 at Alabang and in Davao last May 23, 2015 at Crocodile Park. Successfully, the Refill Tank system has been launched in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.

In addition to the launching, the Color Fun Run event, which was inspired by Color Run, was launched on the same day. Color Run is an event that is popular in Manila and worldwide, so they decided to launch the Color Fun Run in Cebu, a 6K run that was held in SRP. The reason why it became a 6K run is because of Refill Tank System and its ability to print 6,000 pages. The concept behind it is pretty witty.

Mr. Paolo Ugenio

Mr. Joel Eugenio, Head of Product Group, introduces their new products – the Refill Tank System. (Photo by Ian Quiao)

The President of Brother, Mr. Glenn P. Hocson, talked about the features and advantages of the new product. Mr. Hocson stated that the Refill Tank System is a break-through for Brother Corp. because it’s the first product that could print 6,000 pages since the market requires this kind of technology, and he is proud that the product was made in the country, mainly in Batangas, Philippines.

The Refill Tank System is not like any other printer in the market. With the new Refill Tank System, printing is faster and refilling ink is easier. It was stated that the ink calibration time with the Refill Tank System is seven minutes only, being the fastest in the industry. With its ultra-high yield ink bottle, the user doesn’t have to spend on ink purchases due its added convenience. The tank is embedded to the machine so it would be easier to refill the ink, and it looks more presentable.

The DCP-T300 is just the basic, starter machine, but the other three models feature its own unique features; The DCP-T500 features additional wireless functions, the DCP-T700 features an automatic document feeder and the MFC-T800 features a fax machine.

As of May 29, 2015, since the product was available in the market since last week, sales were peaking up, according to Mr. Hocson.

The product, Brother’s latest model yet, is now available nationwide and is available for shipment in neighboring countries. This fast, advanced technology is ready to serve your printing needs in the office and in school.

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