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Brilliant Metal Craft Hospital Systems: Customized Oxygen Tanks



From the company’s first Centralized Medical Gas Pipeline System in 1990 to a clientele of around 40 major hospitals throughout the Visayas and Mindanao regions, BMC Hospital Systems has established itself as the market leader in the Centralized Medical Gas Pipeline System Industry.

The company held a press conference to discuss its various products and services in April 26. These products are the Centralized Medical Gas Pipeline Systems (e.g. Oxygen and Nitrous Oxide), Centralized Medical Suction System, Sharp Infectious Shredder, Fire Suppression System and Oxygen Generator. BMC can churn out 5-1000 oxygen tanks per day depending on the demand of the hospital. Aside from that, their products are rent-to-own.

BMC also pans out to different industries such as ship repair with Tsuneishi Heavy Industries, (Cebu) Inc., and publishing. It also has a TESDA registered school for welding.

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