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Bosch Celebrates 20th Year in Cebu



With over 130 years of experience and growth –they started in 1886- Bosch Company celebrated its 20th year in Cebu at the Henry hotel. Opened in 1995, Cebu was the first place they built their first regional company in. Now they have expanded to Davao and they hope to tighten their grip on the Philippines with the goal of creating a logistic structure that would cover Bataan to Zamboanga.

The company, which is now one of the world’s largest privately owned corporations, was founded in Germany by Robert Bosch. They have 4 business sectors which are Mobility Solutions, Industrial Technology, Consumer Goods, and Energy and Building Technology.


Mr. William Go on his opening remarks for Bosch. 

There are 360, 000 associates who are stationed in over 60 countries. Right now, Bosch plans to expand their market in the Asia Pacific and hopefully have a third of their global sales here in Asia. They believe in localizing their companies and investing in the countries they are stationed in. Their ideals and diligence paid off when last year there was a growth of 17% in sales in Asia- previously it was 27%- and achieved their goal. Philippines, in the previous year, had the fastest regional growth.

Bosch Company upheld their strong social conscience by building 5 typhoon-proof schools in the Visayas region. Though they had no regional company in Nepal, when the earthquake ravaged the country, they donated 100,000 euros.

Charitable, successful and innovative, the company hopes to cultivate success in the years to come. With the trade liberalization being finalized in Asia, it hopefully will.

For more information about their company please visit

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