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Boracay, Palawan Land In US Travel Magazine’s Most Romantic Islands In The World



US travel magazine Conde Nast Traveler has ranked Boracay and Palawan fourth and 15th, respectively from its 20 Most Romantic Islands in the World.

Boracay was listed for being an “itty-bitty island” of just under four square miles in the Western Philippines and “close to the tropical idyll as you’ll find in Southeast Asia.”

Conde Nast Traveler also gave the island credit for its “gentle coastlines”, “transporting sunsets” and a “thriving nightlife scene” instantly making it one of the top tourist spots in the region.

Meanwhile, Palawan which was also ranked as the most beautiful island in the world this year in the same magazine, was praised for its “clear aquamarine water, limestone cliffs, and lagoons” as the island’s basic highlights.

It was also noted for being home to nature reserves on both land and sea.

“…With dolphins just offshore, marine gardens of giant clam, sea turtles nesting on white sand beaches, 600 species of butterflies, and lush palm forest like a Gilligan’s Island fever dream,” it was described.

The top 10 most romantic islands in the world are Mauritius, East Africa; St. Barth’s; Santorini, Greece; Boracay; Big Island, Hawaii; Nevis, St. Kitts & Nevis; Vieques, Puerto Rico; St. Lucia; Moorea, French Polynesia and Bermuda.

Rounding up the top 20 are Oahu, Hawaii; Anguilla; Sea Island, Georgia; Bora Bora; Palawan; Seychelles; Bali, Indonesia; Kaua’i, Hawaii; Maui, Hawaii and Maldives.

The Condé Nast Traveler magazine began traveling the globe tracking down journeys since 1987.

Its website, allows readers to tap into a living global archive of the very best hotels, restaurants, shops, itineraries, beaches, villages, and villas and rank them from best to least best. (PNA) RMA/ANP

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