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Bombo Pluto Ova’s “OEUVRE” Album Launching



Join us for an evening with the most controversial band in Cebu – Bombo Pluto Ova’s “OEUVRE” is launching this Saturday, October 3rd, at The Turtle’s Nest in Gorordo Avenue. Don’t miss the rare live set from the band and your chance to grab a copy of their latest 2-disc release!

Featuring other awesome bands and artists – Smooth Friction, Imadyina, The Pervs, The Spirals, Penny Momar, and D&D.

Bombo Pluto Ova who have antennas out into different genres, formed in 2006.Their most recent lineup consists of John ( ORDENARYO ) Guitar, Vocals, Sam ( Electricwasteland ) Vocals, Bass and Eng ( Baboon E ) Vocals, Drums.

Since 2006, they have remained an underground and SECRET BAND, Bombo Pluto Ova carried out their interpretation of the DIY and Blues ethos. The group merged many of their broader influences creating a body of work that is in an ambitious, experimental format which continues to raise more stylistic questions than it answers. Simplistically, they have created a cult phenomenon of just being, just doing.

Entrance is FREE! Brought to you by Bomba Press and Inodoro™! See you there!

Kukuk’s / Turtle’s Nest is located at Gorordo Av 6000 Cebu City, Philippines

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