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Blaze of Glory: A Celebration of Filipino-American Friendship



Celebrate Filipino-American Friendship Day at the Waterfront on July 2 to 4, 2016 with a fashion show, car and motorbike exhibit, raffles and a concert.  Popular American brands that will be showcased in the event are Harley Davidson, Ford, Chevrolet, Keds, Sperry,  Skechers and brands from the Primer Group.

The celebration of Filipino-American Friendship Day will also include food at the Uno restaurant. They will be serving Filipino-American themed buffet from June 25 up to July 10 where American-Filipino dishes will be served.

On the 2nd day of July, the American Festival will be open from 10 am to 8 pm at the Gourmet Walk where American brands will be giving away promotions, discounts and raffle prizes. A concert will also be held at the Atlantic Hall at 8pm.

Then a motorcade will be the highlight on July 3 at 2pm. It will start at the Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino grounds and will go to the SRP, North Reclamation Area, Mandaue then back to the hotel. The Harley owners in Cebu will be riding their Harley Davidson bikes, 10 Alpha Omega Cars, new models from the Chevrolet and Ford cars, and the Philippine Army and Air force will be part of the motorcade. The US Consul General is expected to attend the celebration.


The festivities will end on the 4th of July with the much anticipated Blaze of Glory Fashion Runway with Harley Davidson and American Brands at 7 pm at the Pacific Grand Ballroom.  It is expected to be as festive as the Cebuano spirit can afford.

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