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Best Foods to Improve your Digestive Health



Gastrointestinal issues are experienced at least once monthly by people, and can manifest as inflammatory diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, bloating and cramps, diarrhea, eczema, dermatitis, obesity, and allergies. These all-too-familiar conditions can have a significant impact on our daily routines and lifestyles. Fortunately, there are several simple solutions to overcoming the bad bacteria that is so detrimental to our gut.

Eat foods with pre-biotic fibres

Pre-biotic fibre is essentially food for good bacteria. The fibres are not broken down and used by our body, so they travel to the colon where they are fermented by the bacteria that live there. Some examples of foods that contain pre-biotic fibres include garlic, onions, bananas, tomatoes, barley and rye.

Incorporate drinkable probiotics into foods

A drinkable probiotic such as Bio-K+ can be added to any food as long as it’s not heated up or frozen. A blender will not harm the bacteria, nor will adding it to sweetened foods or a smoothie for breakfast. For example, try stirring Bio-K+ Vanilla into overnight oats, a quick chia pudding, or yogurt.

Increase your intake of fibre

Women need 25 grams of fibre per day while men need 38 grams, yet the average people consume only 14 grams per day. Fibre ensures healthy elimination and is nature’s way of cleansing the digestive tract. It helps protect proper muscular tone in the gut, and feeds beneficial bacteria to keep harmful strains and inflammation at bay. Examples of foods that are rich in fibre are plant foods in their whole state such as fruits, vegetables, beans, grains, nuts and seeds.

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