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B & G Cordova Offers Early Christmas Promo, Franchise Slots



“Lower rental rates here make the Cordova B&G (Beauty & Grace Regimen), Inc. venture exciting, promising, moving, and inspiring,” discloses Ms. Virginia “Bing” Catigan, managing director.

Catigan shared that initially she has no interest in Cordova, being too far from her residence, but later on has reconsidered because of a friend who has a special interest in the building/construction industry here. The center is on the second floor of Tomaquin Building at the crossroads of Poblacion Cordova.

Right now, Catigan said, it is such a blessing in disguise because she is able to notice some other sites fit for her other business interests.

Majority of her customers are young professionals, deemed millennials in the area. She said that the center caters to an average of 20 customers daily, from 9 am to midnight which she said is fair enough knowing how laidback Cordova still despite the influx of investments mostly by Korean entities.

For an early Christmas promo, hair spa is at Php150 (any length). Rebonding at any length with free treatment is offered at Php999 only with free hair treatment, while hair color is at Php499 (any length) with free treatment.

Other interesting services you might want to check: Diamond Peel with Vitamin C (buy one, take one) at Php500; underarm waxing plus whitening at Php150; various kinds of massage like Swedish at Php250 when availed beyond 5 pm. Call 496.7282 for booking, advice, or any other concerns.

In addition, Catigan said, B&G offers franchising opportunities. Introductory franchise promo is pegged at Php1.5 million.

This arrangement includes free franchise fee for the first five years, free training for owner and staff, free assistance on the grand opening, free location assistance, free initial products worth Php50K, free marketing support, free architectural design and interior design, free one set of uniform for each staff.

For queries and expressions of interest, email or send a letter of intent to

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