Through me let there be kind words, a warm smile, and a caring heart. Through me let there be a willingness to listen and a readiness...
(BPT) – Every one of the nearly 12,000 babies born in the United States each day may be susceptible to infectious diseases. The good news is...
(BPT) – Getting in shape for summer is more than just feeling good in a swimsuit. It’s being healthy so you can participate in all the...
Once I was sinful for a long period of time. When I repented of my sin, I sometimes wondered if my repentance was sufficient to redeem...
As the first fruits of spring tear off the noose of winters long days and dark nights, I throw off the grave clothes and look out...
Ticks transfer diseases like Lyme Disease by attaching onto dog’ skin, embedding their mouth parts and feeding on the dog’s blood. While a tick must feed...
Children are full of surprises. From your heart to your home, they sure do make an impact. If there’s room to spare, it’s great for kids...
It used to amaze me what people really think about you, With all the time invested in them and other things you do. The listening, the...
If internet scams are not on your radar, they should be. It is not only businesses that can fall prey to these scams. Plenty have had...
Small adjustments to everyday items you rarely think about can create a big impact. Try these easy, chic ideas the next time you’re looking for a...
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