When you look around, you probably see ads everywhere. Whether on the street, or on your computer, TV and phone, you are constantly triggered to look...
It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have...
A teacher once told each of her students to bring a clear plastic bag and a sack of potatoes to school. For every person they refused...
With so much change and instability in the world, I’m afraid. What can help me? “But whoever listens to me will live in safety and be...
(NC) Our spending habits evolve and mature from the time we start work, so by 30 years of age, a little more guidance is a good...
There once was an oyster Whose story I tell, Who found that some sand Had got into his shell. It was only a grain, but it...
(NC) It’s that time of year again. As the champagne flutes and party hats get packed away until next December 31, minds turn from festive celebrations...
(NC) The holidays are a perfect time of year to teach children about money. Whether you take them gift shopping or they receive money as a present,...
“Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting...
(NC) The holidays can be a stressful time of year, between parties, shopping and visiting with relatives. Once the festivities are done, it can also be...
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