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Are We Really Eating Healthy?



When can we say that healthy foods and beverages are really healthy?

These days that people are so creative in creating advertisements and gimmicks, how can we make sure they’re not fooling us? Furthermore, as we grew up knowing that fruits are healthy, are we also aware when do these become unhealthy for us?

Let’s start with milk tea. Before this really refreshing beverage got involved in a controversy, people considered this as a healthy drink. Unlike coffee, it does not contain caffeine. It’s not soda so people thought it would not make them at risk for diabetes. Moreover, there are studies proving that tea have several health benefits. Milk is also good and in fact, most of us were taught that drinking a glass of milk every day is beneficial.

We should think again. According to a nutritionist, milk tea is actually unhealthy as it contains loads of sugar – about 340 calories (sugar converts into calories). That amount is equivalent to 1 ½ cups of rice, and note that sugar goes directly to the bloodstream.

How about fresh fruit juices? While these look perfect especially for breakfast, we should be cautious. Hotels and buffet restaurants usually offer “fresh fruit juices”.

According to Luz Tagunicar, a nutritionist from the Department of Health (DOH), these fresh fruit juices normally contain lots of sugar because sugar prolongs the product’s shelf life.

Speaking of sugar, studies say that alternative sugars (like aspartame) have cancer-causing effects. Thus, just because some brands claim this alternative is okay for people with diabetes, doesn’t mean it’s really okay.

Eating fresh fruits, is there anything wrong with that? Well, we must eat in moderation. Some of our favorites like ripe mangoes, grapes and watermelon are rich in sugar. If you think pineapple is good because it’s not sweet, sorry, you’re wrong. Pineapple gives a high glycaemic level, so people, especially those with diabetes, should avoid it.

Salads are greens so it’s healthy. Yes it is, but it would be better to use vinaigrette on your salad instead of mayo and other dressings.

Some people are not fast food fans. But are they also avoiding processed foods? Remember to go natural.

Perhaps, nothing’s wrong with occasional drinking. But be very careful. Cocktail drinks may look harmless since the serving is small. Tagunicar cited that a cocktail drink is usually composed of four standard drinks. She added that this is why ladies should only consume two drinks, as women also have a higher risk for liver disease. (PNA) RMA/MCCA/SSC

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