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American Express Cashback Credit Card Launch



BDO and American Express launched the American Express Cashback Credit Card last July 9 @ The Dilmah Tea Bar, Radisson Blu Hotel.

In the Philippines,the Card will be issued exclusively by BDO with simple and straightforward features that provide Cardmembers with cash rebates for every purchase,whether local or overseas.

“Being able to save on expenses is a priority of Filipino consumers,”says Ma.Nanette R.Regala, BDO Senior Vice President and Consumer Lending Group Marketing Head.

“And this is precisely why we decided to make available in the market a credit card that provides outright cash rebates- with no minimum spend and no limit on the amount of cashback that Cardmembers can earn,” she added.

For price-conscious consumers, the American Express Cashback Credit Card will prove to be the ideal card to pay for everyday expenses,as well as big tickets items.It is different from other cashback products in the market as its Cardmembers’ cashback rewards are automatically credited to their accounts, no matter how much the value of the purchase is.

American Express Cashback Credit Cardmembers will earn 1% cashback on all local purchases and 2% cashback on every overseas purchase. As an introductory offer, Cardmembers will enjoy a special 5% cashback rates for purchases made locally and overseas until August 31,2015.

Sanjiv Malhotra, Vice President of Business Development, Bank Partners, Partner Card Services Asia at American Express said that American Express is committed to helping our Cardmembers enjoy life with its world class service and produced benefits.

“Once again ,we’re glad to be working with our partner BDO for the new American Express Cashback Credit Card.This card will enable more people in the Philippines to gain access to our competitve benefits through the global merchant network American Express offers.” Malhotra said.

Apart from the cashback feature, the American Express Cashback Credit card will carry with it a range of exclusive benefits and privileges that American Express is known for.

For more inquiries about American Cashback Credit card,visit or call the 24- hour BDO Customer Contact Center at 631-8000/1-800-10-6318000(Domestic Toll-Free)

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